Wednesday, July 20, 2011


8/7/11: Beans was adopted!

Poor guy tied to a tree.  Jerks.

Life is just a pot o' beans!  I'm not quite sure what you humans mean by that saying, but I'd sure like to find out how great life can be!  I'm Beans, a 7-month old poodle-mix who spent my early life tied to a tree.  Not the best way to experience life but, lucky for me, a neighbor asked my "owner" why they left me tied to that darn tree and was told that they didn't want me.  I'm so grateful that the neighbor rescued me and brought me to MaxFund where I've been spiffied up, neutered and am actively searching for my Forever Family!

Like any young puppy, I'll need a family with the time and commitment to teaching me what is expected of a stellar canine citizen.  I'll need basic obedience training and special patience while I figure out what is expected of me inside your Family home.  Don't worry - I have a head start as I sure don't like to soil my cage and I "hold it" until some nice MaxFund person takes me outside.  I'm also excellent on a leash and very interested in pleasing the 2-legged folks around me.  Did I mention what a soft, furball I am?  Yep...I must be the softest pup around these parts - perfect for you to cozy up with!

I haven't had too much opportunity to meet other dogs, cats or young kids yet.  I sure don't seem phased when I've passed other dogs on a leash though!  I'm looking forward to the opportunity to meet these other creatures and I'll be sure to update my bio with how I do!

All 10 pounds of me is back in the Big Dog Room at MaxFund just waiting for *you* to come around the corner.  Please hurry over to visit...I'm eager to get this life started already!

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