Sunday, January 23, 2011


2/5/11 Update: CC was adopted!

CC bio:

Hello everyone!  My name is CC and people tell me I'm a collie/chow mix.   Whatever my past, I've sure turned into an intelligent, mellow gal!  I was brought to MaxFund by a good samaritan who found me near a very busy street here in Denver.  I'm enjoying getting to know the other friendly dogs here and am accepting applications for my new Family!  Speaking of families, I love all people - including kids.  I haven't met any cats here at MaxFund but I'm not too interested in the squirrels or pigeons I've encountered - so, I think I'd be able to live with any friendly 4-legged or 2-legged folks!

As I was a stray, MaxFund doesn't know that much about my past.  So, let ME tell you why I'm so fantastic!  First of all, I'm a very smart girl.  In fact, MaxFund is letting me review all applications I receive for future Family members (teehee!)!  I know some basic obedience, but would love further training to allow me to fully demonstrate just how smart I really am!  I'm excellent on a leash - and, I mean excellent!  I even love going on walks with other dogs here at MaxFund!   I weigh 49 lbs and have beautiful brown eyes, pointy ears and long, soft fur.  Like all ladies with beautiful, long hair, I'll need regular grooming to help keep me looking glamorous.

I'm an optimistic gal and just know that I'll find the perfect Forever Family who appreciates all I have to offer.  Are you that special someone looking for a beautiful, attentive, loving 4-legged addition to your family?  Great!  I'm looking forward to reviewing your application soon!!

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