Friday, January 7, 2011


As I mentioned in Kona's pre-bio paragraph, I debated about expressing some of my opinions on the blog.  But...that's what blogs are for I guess.  Again, I won't use any identifying information and I fully realize that some people who might stumble across this blog may very well disagree with me.  My point is definitely not to insult anyone...but to document my experiences at one small shelter who (I believe) makes a big difference!    Looking back at the pups on the blog makes me smile - and checking them off when they go home to their Forever Family is very satisfying.  I spend my days (and many nights) helping people in my profession - and I love my job.  But, sometimes I need to get my mind off of work and this blog is one small way I can help those 4-legged creatures that I'm so passionate about!  Also, I know that my bios are definitely not THE REASON that the dogs go home to their Families.  But I hope they're one small piece that can give internet-surfers a nudge to come in and meet the pup that catches their attention.  If I can  help connect ONE dog to his/her future Forever Family, then it's all worth it!

I decided to do pups that have been adopted in green font, available girls in pink font, and boys in blue font!

Also, I can blog while spending some quality, peaceful time with my own 4-legged creatures as they're snuggled up in front of the fire :o)

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